Community Spotlight in the Crazy Wisdom Journal
Ellen Craine is a social work ethics and business consultant, therapist, life coach, field instructor for the University of Michigan School of Social Work, and LLMSW Supervisor. She has authored chapters in four different co-authored books so far.
In her first co-authored book, Women Who Empower, Craine wrote about her experience as a pediatric cancer mom and losing her husband to an inoperable Stage 4 glioblastoma (brain tumor). Her second co-authored book is Women Who Dream. In her chapter in this book, she writes about the first year of her journey with breast cancer. Her diagnosis came as Women Who Empower was being published. After her diagnosis, she was found to have a gene mutation called PALB2 which led to her having a double mastectomy. She is doing well today and attributes at least some of that to using an integrative medicine approach to her treatment. In her third co-authored book, Leading with Legacy, her chapter is called "Finding the Light through the Dark." This chapter is about the fact that we all have a light inside of us that can guide us through challenging times and life transitions. She asks the question for us all to consider "What does it take for each of us to find our own inner
light?" This chapter also includes references to many fall holidays and festivals from
different cultures that relate to finding the light in the dark and how this relates to people working their way back into living their lives after challenging and even devastating life events. Her fourth co-authored book, Dear Younger Self, features her chapter called "Finding My Voice." The chapter shares her journey to guide, support, and empower others on their life long journey through loss and grief.
Leading with Legacy will be coming out as an audio book soon on Amazon. In addition, her fifth co-authored book launched this month. The book is called Shout it From the Rooftop. Her chapter is called "It's Hard to Care for An Aging Parent: Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help. In this chapter she shares some of her experience as a caregiver of her father and offers some suggestions for making the navigation of this challenge a little easier. She has other writing projects in the works as well.
