
Social Work Ethics Consulting
Ellen helps social workers build confidence and reduce stress and anxiety utilizing her 5 Pillars Model for navigating the social work ethics maze.
She works with clients individually to address their ethics concerns including issues related to LARA complaints. She provides supervision LLMSW seeking full licensure. for In addtion, she provides consultations to clinics around ethical business practices. Ellen also offers a varity of workshops that she teaches for continuing education for social workers.
As a Social Worker, my goal is to help an individual, their child(ren) and/or family with whatever issue(s) they want / need to address. Therapy is about meeting you where you are at emotionally and facilitating your progress in a treatment plan with measurable goals and objectives that we develop and evaluate together. Therapy is often a more long term process than coaching, but is individual to the client. A clinical diagnosis is provided.

Co-Parent and Life Coaching
Coaching is more often than not a very time limited experience addressing a specific issue. As a result of coaching, clients walk away with a plan for how to handle a specific situation. One way that coaching differs from counseling is that no diagnoses are used and we are not addressing mental health issues even though a person's over all mental health may improve as result of the solutions created.